State Historic Tax Credit Act: What's Next?

Help AB 1999 cross the finish line!

Put your coffee down and email Governor Jerry Brown and encourage him to sign the legislation for AB 1999. It’s simple, enter your name and email address, scroll down to AB 01999 and enter your email text, then press send.

Here’s sample email text.  It’s just a start, make it yours!

I'm writing to express my personal support for AB 1999, the state historic tax credit bill authored by Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins. The bill is truly a landmark that was passed unanimously and with bipartisan support in both the Senate and Assembly. The proposed legislation will provide an incentive to rehabilitate historic commercial income-producing and owner-occupied residential properties in urban and rural areas across California. We need to encourage property owners to retain and reuse important touchstones of our history as older downtowns are revitalized, former military bases are reused and affordable housing is provided. The bill was co-sponsored by the California Preservation Foundation and California Council of the American Institute of Architects and supported by thoughtful cities, astute developers, preservation organizations and caring individuals like me statewide. I urge you to sign the bill into law and make California the 35th state to enact a state historic tax credit. Thank you for your consideration.

What will AB 1999 do?

The bill amends several sections of the state tax code to allow for a basic 20% or, in certain limited areas, 25% investment tax credit for qualified rehabilitation of income-producing commercial and owner-occupied residential properties. 

When would it take effect?

January 2015.

How can you learn more?

Visit the California Preservation Foundation website.

For those who care about our history and preservation of California’s rich and diverse built environment, the long-awaited State Historic Tax Credit is in the final stage of adoption. AB 1999 was just unanimously passed with bipartisan support in both the California Senate and Assembly and now heads to Governor Jerry Brown for signature.  The bill was authored by Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins (D-San Diego), co-sponsored by the California Preservation Foundation and California Council of the American Institute of Architects, and supported by like-minded organizations statewide including the California Historical Society, Los Angeles Conservancy and San Francisco Heritage.