Chattel Helps Implement Mills Act Programs in Two California Cities

Representing City staff, Chattel helped implement Mills Act programs in two California cities, Los Angeles and Orange. Can we help your City?

Robert Chattel discusses Mills Act program requirements with property owners.

Robert Chattel discusses Mills Act program requirements with property owners.

Chattel has a very strong understanding of procedures for evaluating and processing Mills Act contracts. For the past four years, Chattel represented the City of Los Angeles Office of Historic Resources in its Mills Act Historical Property Contract Program. The firm reviewed application materials, conducted pre-approval inspections, and prepared summary reports with photographs for over 60 eligible properties this year. Applicants were consulted on site at their property to ensure that recently completed, in progress, and proposed future work conforms to the Secretary's Standards. Chattel often recommends prioritization of specific tasks to ensure Mills Act savings go toward critical projects first, such as structural retrofit work. Los Angeles expects to have a total of about 750 Mills Act properties under contract this year.

Consultant Charlie Fisher (left) and Chattel Associate Shane Swerdlow (right) review rehabilitation plans for a proposed Mills Act property.

Consultant Charlie Fisher (left) and Chattel Associate Shane Swerdlow (right) review rehabilitation plans for a proposed Mills Act property.

Similarly, Chattel helped the City of Orange implement its Mills Act program this year.  With the largest National Register-listed historic district in California, Orange has approximately 200 existing Mills Act contracts and 9 new contracts scheduled to be approved this year. Chattel conducted pre-approval inspections and coordinated with property owners to develop critical work plans. As part of its contract planning work for Orange, Chattel will continue to advise City staff on improvements to the Mills Act application process and develop a long-term strategy for regular inspections of Mills Act properties.

A Mills Act property in the City of Orange.

A Mills Act property in the City of Orange.