Santa Barbara Mission's Ongoing Rehabilitation

Chattel has been managing historic preservation projects at Santa Barbara Mission for several years, including work being implemented under a federal Save America's Treasures (SAT) matching grant, administered by the National Park Service with the help of California Missions Foundation. A recent KEYT news article and video documents progress, and the need to raise money to provide the grant matching funds. The video focuses on the need for rehabilitation of the convento wing, which contains some of the oldest walls at the Mission property, including walls of adobe dating from the late 1700s, and later walls of sandstone and concrete. Conservator, Griswold Conservation Associates, and Structural Engineer, Roselund Engineering Company, have devised a plan to repair the most degraded portions of the convento. The work will be implemented under the SAT grant, as matching funds are raised. Check out local news station KEYT's coverage for more information.

View NW of south portion of Mission convento wing (located immediately west of the church building)

View NW of front (south) convento wing arcade. The walls shown here are of sandstone construction. They have been covered in an impermeable Portland cement render, which traps moisture in the underlying materials, causing deterioration. Similarly, the impermeable tile floor prohibits water from evaporating. Thus, moisture escapes where it can, which in this case is at the sandstone door and window surrounds (details pictured below). 

Detail of typical convento damage at sandstone window surround. Visibly apparent is the crumbing sandstone, which is literally piling up on windowsills, evidence of substantial deterioration of materials.

Detail of typical convento damage at sandstone window surround, showing sandstone grains collecting, signaling damage.