Dreams Becoming Reality for the Breed Street Shul Project, Inc.

We want to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the Tardeada afternoon event at the Breed Street Shul on Sunday, June 24, 2012. Celebrating recent rehabilitation of the Shul’s original 1915 rear building, this annual fundraiser honored Robert Chattel for his nearly 30 years of active involvement in rehabilitation efforts, including his role as long time board member and volunteer preservation architect. The Breed Street Shul Project, Inc., established in 1999, is rehabilitating the Shul in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of east Los Angeles to meet needs of its current neighbors. Funds raised from Tardeada allow for diverse community programming, special events, and performances. Many of you answered the call for donations. We wholeheartedly appreciate your support and look forward to continuing our involvement in this worthwhile project.

Completed rear building rehabilitation and mural restoration