sam and alfreda Maloof Compound
Rancho Cucamonga, California

Chattel was commissoned by the Sam and Alfreda Maloof Foundation for the Arts and Crafts (SAMFAC) to nominate the Sam and Alfreda Maloof Compound to the National Register of Historic Places (National Register). Sam Maloof, one of America’s pre-eminent craftsmen and furniture designers of the mid- to late-20th century, built the Compound’s first buildings in 1956 as his own house and workshop. He continued to alter and expand buildings over time, such that it became his largest woodworking project.

The National Register nomination was unique as the three contributing buildings had all been relocated in 1999 from their donor site to a receiving site 2.5 miles away, selected for its similarities to the original location. The relocated buildings maintained their original relationship to each other and the 2010 listing confirmed eligibility under two Criteria: association with Sam Maloof as “an artistic figure of international prominence” and for the “exceptional architectural merit of the house and studio independent of its association with the builder/owner.” The property also met two Criteria Considerations, having been moved from its original location, and being less than 50 years of age. Chattel advised on accessibility improvements completed in two phases in 2013 and 2015, and authored a Historic Structure Report that addressed for the first time in a comprehensive manner appropriate treatments to protect the fragile wood buildings and their contents.

The Keeper of the National Register featured the Maloof Compound as a weekly highlight, see: The Compound was one of several historic properties effected by construction of Interstate 210 expansion through Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties, which resulted in a Section 106 success story, see: