Historic Context Statements
SurveyLA Industrial Historic Context Statement
Los Angeles, California
Chattel and LSA Associates (LSA) were hired by the City of Los Angeles (City) office of Historic Resources (OHR) to complete the Industrial Historic Context Statement for SurveyLA, which is comprised of a reconnaissance-level survey focusing on citywide industrial development. SurveyLA is a comprehensive survey program maintained by OHR to identify and document significant historic resources, including the development of citywide historic context statements. The Industrial Historic Context Statement followed a specific methodology and format adapted for the SurveyLA project’s custom database, and informed the final phase of SurveyLA fieldwork.
Chattel worked in coordination with LSA, Chattel conducted a reconnaissance-level survey of industrial areas throughout the Los Angeles to develop and contextualize a list of industrial themes that have affected the built environment of the City. Chattel performed background research for each theme and suggested changes to the historic resource list to best reflect the industrial narratives of the built city and guide future historic resource identification. Ultimately, Chattel produced an extensive narrative context to situate these themes historically and describe their representation in Los Angeles’ built environment.
hollywood redevelopment project area survey
Hollywood, los angeles, California
Chattel was hired as a prime consultant to prepare historic context statements and intensive-level assessment surveys for the City of Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency. Chattel took responsibility for the Hollywood Redevelopment Project Area, while Westlake and Wilshire/Koreatown were taken by two other consultants on the project, LSA Associates and PCR Services Corporation respectively. To ensure consistency, we worked closely with these firms to discuss progress, difficulties, and solutions in weekly conference calls as well as peer reviewing each other’s work. Chattel also worked with City of Los Angeles Office of Historic Resources staff to dovetail our findings into their (ongoing at the time) citywide SurveyLA project.
Chattel defined contexts and themes using the National Register of Historic Places multiple property submission approach and an outline of SurveyLA city-wide historic context statements to form a hypothesis of property types that were believed to be found in field survey. Chattel started by conducting a preliminary reconnaissance-level survey, reviewing existing surveys and Historic Resource Assessments (and noting gaps), interviewing knowledgeable persons, and performing original research via primary sources including photographic archives. Next, Chattel performed systematic field surveys of all properties above 45 years old and younger ones of exceptional significance. Findings and new photographs were then cataloged, and properties which appeared to meet federal, state, or local eligibility criteria were given additional research and integrated into an undated historic context statement for the Hollywood Redevelopment Project Area.
Whittier Residential Survey
Whittier, California
Chattel worked with LSA Associates to prepare a historic context statement focusing on architectural contexts and themes connected with residential development in the City of Whittier (City). An intensive-level field survey was completed based on previous work by others. Research and field survey revealed that while Whittier’s architectural history has some unique elements, it generally reflects regional architectural trends. The work was prepared in close coordination with the staff and the Historic Resources Commission, and ultimately lead to City Council acceptance of survey results and concurrent local designation of the eligible properties.
Chattel field surveyed approximately 1,540 properties generally constructed prior to 1941. A Microsoft Access database incorporating GIS mapping was used to collect survey data in the field. The goal of creating historic context statements and conducting field surveys was to identify and gather data to evaluate the eligibility of properties for potential historic resource designation. This allowed the City of Whittier to focus its planning efforts on preserving those buildings and districts that best illustrate its unique architectural character, while allowing for appropriate development.